Anybody else wish Artie was not in today ?


Apr 28, 2009
Or any day that Norm is on, he practicly took over the interveiw. Not to mention the same stories about Dirty work being told over and over, i would like Norm on more if Artie was not there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Canada Eh!
No. I'm gald he was in I thought he was being really funny today and him and Norm together are radio gold. I love when Artie is in. I don't like the show as much when he's not there.

I'm sure I'm opening up a can of worms here but why do you have such a HUGE hard on for Artie. 90% of your posts are just spitting venom at him. It's only a show dude. I'm not a fan of everything they do either or everything Artie does even but you just seem to be fixated on him.
Its very unhealthy. I'd just stop listening if there was someone on the show I hated that much.


New Member
Apr 25, 2009
Fuck Artie, he ruins the show every single day, except the days he's doing smack and calls in"sick".Those days Howard ruins the show talking about the attention seeking baby.The only good days are when he's been gone a few days and been forgotten completely.


Dec 31, 2008
Minetto, NY
But if Artie wasn't in today, we never would have had those "Mike Tyson" impressions. That was some of the funniest stuff on today's show.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2008
Chi-Town (South Side)
I loved it. both artie and norm telling the bob euker stories were great. who would have thought dude from mr. belvidere was such a nasty. I was so pissed this morning, cuz I had to get out my car and get on the train right in the middle of these stories.

TSS Taylor

Oct 9, 2008
Chicago, IL
No. I'm gald he was in I thought he was being really funny today and him and Norm together are radio gold. I love when Artie is in. I don't like the show as much when he's not there.

I'm sure I'm opening up a can of worms here but why do you have such a HUGE hard on for Artie. 90% of your posts are just spitting venom at him. It's only a show dude. I'm not a fan of everything they do either or everything Artie does even but you just seem to be fixated on him.
Its very unhealthy. I'd just stop listening if there was someone on the show I hated that much.

I totally agree with you. It seems just weird when people think the show should be totally changed to their wants and needs. The show represents for a Wide Audience and that's part of what you get is segments that might not be as great in your opinion.


Last non-Hating Stern Fan
Oct 11, 2008
It's great how much more positive this forum has gotten since jgatie was banned for having some douchebag web-stalk and threaten him...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
I will take Artie over Jackie any day.

Yeah, probably, although I do miss the Jackie laugh.

I wonder what ever happened to Craig Gass. He used to sit in on occasion after Jackie left. His Gene Simmons bit was classic.

Actually, I think HowardTV had that on MOJO once. Gene Simmons came in and was met by Craig Gass doing a Gene impression.


Hey Now!
Oct 15, 2008
Frederick, MD
Yeah, probably, although I do miss the Jackie laugh.

I wonder what ever happened to Craig Gass. He used to sit in on occasion after Jackie left. His Gene Simmons bit was classic.

Actually, I think HowardTV had that on MOJO once. Gene Simmons came in and was met by Craig Gass doing a Gene impression.

As ironic as it sounds, I think Howard didn't like his work ethic. He fell asleep once, on-air.

Some caller mentioned this when Artie kept falling asleep, and Howard outlined the difference as this. Craig was auditioning for a job, and Artie has had this job for years. When auditioning, don't fall asleep.

I liked Craig's impressions. I wouldn't mind if Howard added someone to the crew that did impressions. When I listen to the Billy West stuff, before my time, I always crack up.


Nov 9, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Or any day that Norm is on, he practicly took over the interveiw. Not to mention the same stories about Dirty work being told over and over, i would like Norm on more if Artie was not there.

Artie + Norm + Howard > Norm + Howard. If Artie wasn't there, Howard would have been focusing on Norm's sex life and trying to get him out of the studio as quick as possible because the show was starting to cut in on his weekend. With Artie there, the Bob Ueker stuff kept things going.

Another reason it was good to have Artie in was during the interview with Tom Bergeron. The best part of that interview was hearing about him talking to Moe and Larry back when he was 16. Artie kept him on this subject longer than Howard would have. In fact, Bergeron was about to tell a story about Groucho (which probably would have been very interesting) before Howard cut him off so he could ask him about his sex life, how much money he makes and the gay show he works on (Yawn)...


Oct 13, 2008
Columbus, OH
Yeah, probably, although I do miss the Jackie laugh.

I wonder what ever happened to Craig Gass. He used to sit in on occasion after Jackie left. His Gene Simmons bit was classic.

Actually, I think HowardTV had that on MOJO once. Gene Simmons came in and was met by Craig Gass doing a Gene impression.

Fred can still add the Jackie laugh in whenever he wants. They can still get the laugh and not have to deal with the bullshit and all the stupid fucking plugs.

Craig Gass was ok every once in a while. His impressions would get so old if he was permanatly on the show. Billy West on the other hand was great. He had lots of impressions not just the two that Craig has.

Every time I hear the name Craig I think of the original Friday movie. You ain't got to lie Craig. How in the fuck do you get fired on your day off? You got knocked the fuck out!!!!! That movie is classic.