Let's put it this way. If you look at the film Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 03 or Halloween from 2007 the films are actually very entertaining. I hate the Stigma that is associated with the term "remake". These aren't bad Newline sequels meant to just milk the fans out of money and put garbage in a straight to video box. These remakes are meant to excite fans about their obsession/passion again and gain a future generation audience. I for one have always been a HUGE Nightmare on Elm Street fan and when I heard that there are talks of a remake coming out, I agree, it seems like why would you remake a movie that was made to perfection in the 1980s. The question is, why not?? with so many advances in movie technology, horror movies could be so much more to their timeless 1970s/80s era counterparts. As I finish rambling I am just excited that we can be blessed with classic psychotics like Jason Voorhies and Michael Myers again rather than Jeepers Creepers,Some fisherman with a hook and bad chucky sequel after bad chuck sequel consisting of our new "classic" slasher movies. Saw IV and V are terrible, stop making these movies.