So, I just heard a caller to TMD suggest adding a road course race to the chase and he was thoroughly beat down on that issue using the logic that we only race two of these a year. So how many races do we have to race on a given track configuration to qualify as a chase race?
Personally, I like the idea. I like the road course races much better than, let's say, a couple of two milers that we have races on. Using the 'only two' logic..... How about we shift one of those Pocono races down to Daytona for a night, road course race the week after/before the 400 there? Then, let's grab one of those California dates. How about the one that's in the chase? Let's move that one down to Daytona for a road course race in the chase. Seriously, if we use the TMD rule that you must have more than two races on a given configuration to have it qualify as a chase race, this would accomplish it. Thoughts? Hate it, love it? Remove all of the road course races? What do you think? :scratch: