I guess you are seeing the picture, the big wigs have made up their minds, they are not going to give the paying customer what they want, they are giving the cheapest, things are not going to change, I have read too many articles where people are so upset over all the change, guys, get use to it, what you see is what you get, and that is junk in my eyes. They only have Cousin Brucie to fall back on and using him to try and reel in the customers, the Cuz only plays so many songs also, after awhile, that grows old, his Wednesday night shows at least he plays more doo wop and oldies, Saturday nights is the same old same old songs over and over. Go online to www:WJRZ.com and you will hear great music free. Saturday is oldies and doo wop amd Sunday nights is TJ Lubinsky with a mix from the 50's to the 80's and all request!!!! He turns any kind of music into magic. Sirius has me