2005 Chevy Equinox Install

Fred T. Jane

New Member
Dec 21, 2008
Franklin, LA USA
Hi there folks, looong time lurker (Summer 2006!), first time poster.

In September I traded in my car for a good deal on a Chevy Equinox. It's a great car and all, but I couldn't find a place to run my old Sirius One and its lovely all-too-powerful FM transmitter. So, I picked up a Stiletto car kit on clearance and installed it just fine, though the wires are a smidge messy for most folks' taste.

The problem is now, of course, reception. I live in a horrible area for reception and I travel to two sizable population centres on a regular basis. This of course means I'm jumping to new channels all the time and I'm constantly dealing with bad static to the point that I actually lose my signal at times. The answer of course is an FM Direct connect. I have the one from my old car so I've decided to install it on my Equinox.

I've been looking around online and it seems that no one has a thread about how to do it apart from a thread on SBS about installing a new radio on a Pontiac Torrent (Same thing as my Equinox). So I'm posting looking for some tips on actually doing it myself. I installed the direct connect on my old car, but it was a fairly simple job because the radio was in the trunk. It seems that installing the direct connect would require me to:

(1) Remove the face on the centre console (What a one-pieced monstrosity!)

(2) Unplug the antenna from the radio.

(3) Plug in the adapters into both ends of the direct connect adapter.

(4) Replace the centre console.

(5) Enjoy static-free (and commercial free!) music and sports like I did before

I'm fairly comfortable working with a car stereo, but I have some slight jitters because I'm not positive where the radio itself is (I'm assuming it's right under the head unit). If anyone can give me some tips it would be much appreciated. I'll post my progress on the project as well so long time lurkers like myself will have to find a new excuse to finally register and post on this great forum. :)


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Central NC
Dittos on possibly needing antenna adapter. I had to use an adapter to connect a modulator relay to the GM radio in my 2006 Colorado. No biggie to use or install, but there are at least 2 distinct sizes of automotive radio antenna leads.

Also, see if your parts supplier or the part maker includes installation instructions. I know Crutchfield has a master install sheet with every order. TSS may also, and many of the manufacturers do as well now. They usually show you the "tricks" to getting those imposing and massive plastic pieces off and back on easily and in one piece. My Tundra's radio surround looked knarly when I got ready to upgrade my HU and add my Sirius PnP, then the directions showed the 3 screws I had to remove to take it off in one piece - each screw was hidden under an HVAC dial knob that just pulled off. Had the factory radio out in under 5 minutes (could've been quicker but the factory amp mounted separately and below the HU was a little tricky).

If you genuinely meant it when you said you were comfortable messing with a car stereo, you likely have more than enough skill and aptitude for your project.

Fred T. Jane

New Member
Dec 21, 2008
Franklin, LA USA
Hey folks, I did it on Christmas Eve without too many problems, and even took pictures to boot. When I get around to it (Hopefully this weekend), I'll download the pictures and put them up. It was really pain-free...until I had to find a socket to pull out the radio. *smacks his head*