Trading Paint


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Can't remember
I usually don't post new thread's, but this really bugged me.

Today on Trading Paint, a caller called in, and was carrying on about something, I don't even remember what it was, but Rick Benjamin was trying to get a word in and the caller just kept on talking. Granted, I know it’s frustrating trying to talk over each other. So Rick gets the callers attention and then says… "Who's show is this?" I was like OMG!!! It’s not like he said it as a joke, he was serious. I couldn't believe he said that, but then I remembered him saying that before in the past when he was either filling in or hosting a show.

I've heard Poole, Bagley and Moody get the callers attention when they talk and don’t stop to breathe, but I have never heard them say something like that.

Personally, I just think it's rude and not necessary. If it wasn't for the callers there wouldn't be a Trading Paint show.


Cheeseburger Connoisseur
Oct 11, 2008
Janesville, MN
A commercial came on NASCAR Radio yesterday for the POTUS coverage of the Inauguration next week. The guy doing the commercial was Tim Farley. I was thinking to myself, Now that Sirius and XM are the same company, why don't they bring back Tim Farley to the NASCAR Channel?...:scratch:

I always liked Tim when he was on the NASCAR Channel. He did a great job on the Dialed In program, before he was taken off sometime in 2005.

And most of all, I think he's much better then Rick Benjamin. It's not like I don't like Rick. I think he'd be great on the weekend. The Backstretch or the after race program...:)

From what I've read, POTUS ends after the Inauguration. I hope they keep Tim around and bring him back to the NASCAR Channel...:D


Oct 23, 2008
South of Terre Haute
I usually don't post new thread's, but this really bugged me.

Today on Trading Paint, a caller called in, and was carrying on about something, I don't even remember what it was, but Rick Benjamin was trying to get a word in and the caller just kept on talking. Granted, I know it’s frustrating trying to talk over each other. So Rick gets the callers attention and then says… "Who's show is this?" I was like OMG!!! It’s not like he said it as a joke, he was serious. I couldn't believe he said that, but then I remembered him saying that before in the past when he was either filling in or hosting a show.

I've heard Poole, Bagley and Moody get the callers attention when they talk and don’t stop to breathe, but I have never heard them say something like that.

Personally, I just think it's rude and not necessary. If it wasn't for the callers there wouldn't be a Trading Paint show.

That's just Rick, and what I dislike about him. I remember back in the early winter when he was subbing for Postie...Chris from NC called in and Rick was rude & hung up on him. He just isn't very fan-friendly. He is as opinionated as Choc, just about different stuff.

Easy Money

Active Member
Oct 25, 2008
He's a complete prick, he said almost the same thing to Chris just before he hung up on him! I cant stand to listen to it now. I believe they are having trouble finding hosts, for whatever reason.
So lets review, he popped off at Chris, who was on the show more than him at the time and now he's already done it to another caller only what...........3 weeks in?
If he doesnt like the callers, maybe he shouldnt be a host on a LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!!!!!! What a dumbazz!
I have to stop now, my blood is boiling!


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Can't remember
I don't like or dislike him, my issue is I just don't think you should make those types of remarks to callers.

I'll probably get razzed for saying this but I don't care. I've heard that Chris person on there before and he can talk and talk and talk and doesn't stop. Some people think everything he says is funny, personally, I don't, but that doesn't mean he or anyone else should be treated that way.

My opinion is, if there are no fans, no listners, there is NO SHOW!

Easy Money

Active Member
Oct 25, 2008
Thats not just your opinion, its a fact!
The reason I dont like him is that he does this crap too often. I have heard him be rude with callers that he clearly misunderstood. He was going off on them about something that they were not even talking about.
As for Chris, he can be a longwinded at times, but he's a pretty descent caller for the most part. They should realize that everyone is not gonna agree with them all of the time. I stand by what I said, he is usually a jackass in my opinion.


Oct 14, 2008
Jacksonville Fl
I didn't hear Rick do this however if he did post a new thread caling Rick out in the TITLE of thread. If enough of the hosts read that we the fans are upset with Rick it will get back to the powers that be and maybe they will do something about it. Tim most likely will not do a show. he took himself off the NASCAR channel in 2005. he was the program manager for NASCAR radio on XM and he only did a show until he thought the channel was essentially on autopilot. He prefers to manage not do on air stuff.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2008
I think that it would be foolish of us to think that this board represents the thoughts of the entire listening audience.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
The powers that be do not read this board, but if they do, they dont let our opinion influence their decisions. I say that because on the other board how many Anti-Chalk threads were there?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2008
no but they need to know that folks do consider him rude. At the very least his bosses may talk to him and rein him in a little.

you can go to the bottom of the Sirius website and go to contact us and click it and there is a complaint selection ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Can't remember
I didn't hear Rick do this however if he did post a new thread caling Rick out in the TITLE of thread. If enough of the hosts read that we the fans are upset with Rick it will get back to the powers that be and maybe they will do something about it. Tim most likely will not do a show. he took himself off the NASCAR channel in 2005. he was the program manager for NASCAR radio on XM and he only did a show until he thought the channel was essentially on autopilot. He prefers to manage not do on air stuff.

I'm not upset with him, nor am I trying to call him out, I only made the post because it just bugged me that he said what he said. If Joe Blow would have said it, I would have felt the same way. I just didn't think it was right.

He doesn't do it all day, everyday, but he has said it in the past and I would hope he or anyone else wouldn't treat callers that way. That's just my opinion.